Name Unit
- Adams, Augustus Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Adams, Ebenezer Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Adams, Edward Connecticut 27th Volunteer Regiment
- Adams, George Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Adams, Sherman Other Regiments
- Adams, Stoddard Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Aldrich, Edward Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Archy, William Connecticut 29th Volunteer Regiment
- Baker, Charles L. Connecticut 1st Light Battery Volunteer Regiment
- Baker, George Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Baker, Samuel Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Barnes, Charles Connecticut 29th Volunteer Regiment
- Barton, James Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Bassey, Sidney Connecticut 29th Volunteer Regiment
- Belden, Samuel Connecticut 1st Volunteer Regiment
- Belden, Samuel H. Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Bennett, Daniel Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Benson, Levi Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Berrigan, Dennis Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Bishop, Austin Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Blake, Charles L. Connecticut 1st Cavalry Volunteer Regiment
- Blake, Chester Connecticut 1st Cavalry Volunteer Regiment
- Blinn, Edgar F. Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Blinn, Unni P.? Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Bluff, Henry Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Boner, Louis Connecticut 20th Volunteer Regiment
- Bowen, John P. Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Bradley, Fernando Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Brady, Patrick Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Brannon, Thomas Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Briggs, George Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Buckley, George Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Bunce, Thomas F. Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Burke, Daniel Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Burke, Daniel Connecticut 21st Volunteer Regiment
- Burns, James Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Cady, Henry W. Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Callahan, Daniel Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Campbell, George Connecticut 5th Volunteer Regiment
- Campbell, Robert Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Carter, James W. Connecticut 1st Volunteer Regiment
- Carter, James W. Connecticut 13th Volunteer Regiment
- Carter, James W. Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Cavanaugh, John Connecticut 5th Volunteer Regiment
- Chittenden, Thomas L. Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Clancy, Phillip Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Clapp, John B. Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Clark, Henry Connecticut 18th Volunteer Regiment
- Clarkson, John Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Clifford, John Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Clontier, Charles Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- Colvin, George Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Coogan, James Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Cowles, Ralph Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Crowe, Patrick Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Cummings, Henry Connecticut 2nd Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Dailey, Charles Connecticut 3rd Volunteer Regiment
- Damery, John Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- David, Eugene Connecticut 5th Volunteer Regiment
- Davis, Eugene Connecticut 20th Volunteer Regiment
- Davis, Henry Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- DeBlois, William B. Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Delaney, Michael? Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Deming, David W. Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Deming, Francis Connecticut 3rd Volunteer Regiment
- Deming, Francis Connecticut 13th Volunteer Regiment
- Deming, George S. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Deming, Henry Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Deming, Richard Connecticut 29th Volunteer Regiment
- Dickson, George T. Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Dix, Edgar T. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Doldrick, John Other Regiments
- Donnelly, James Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Dow, Henry G. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Dow, Newell Connecticut 13th Volunteer Regiment
- Dow, Newell Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Downes, George N. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Dwight, Gilbert Other Regiments
- Finnern, Larry Connecticut 6th Volunteer Regiment
- Forbes, Ira E. Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Francis, Charles Jr. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Francis, Daniel Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Francis, Edgar Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Gains, Charles Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Galligher, George Other Regiments
- Garvie, Willaim A. Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Garvie, William Connecticut 1st Volunteer Regiment
- Gladden, Azariah Connecticut 13th Volunteer Regiment
- Gladden, Azariah Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Gladding, James H. Connecticut 1st Light Battery Volunteer Regiment
- Gladding, Lafayette Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Goobell, Frederick Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Gorman, Thomas Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Griswold, John D. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Griswold, Wait R. Other Regiments
- Griswold, Walt R. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Hale, Nathan Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Halliman, Michael Connecticut 9th Volunteer Regiment
- Hammer, Thomas Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Hammond, William F. Connecticut 1st Cavalry Volunteer Regiment
- Haraker, Edward Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Harlow, Edward Connecticut 13th Volunteer Regiment
- Harlow, Edward Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Harris, Charles Connecticut 2nd Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Harris, Henry Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- Hart, Almon J. Connecticut 21st Volunteer Regiment
- Hastings, Lorin J.? Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Hayworth, Andrew Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Heath, Hugh Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Hills, Ralph H. Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Hogan, Martin Connecticut 13th Volunteer Regiment
- Holden, John M Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Hollister, John Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Holt, John Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Howard, John Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Hubbard, Gideon W. Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Hubbard, William Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Hunt, James Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Hunt, James Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Jenks, Fred R. Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Jenks, George Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Jennings, Ira Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Johnson, William Connecticut 2nd Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Jones, Charles Connecticut 5th Volunteer Regiment
- Jones, Henry Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Joy, William E. Connecticut 2nd Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Joyner, Edward P. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Joyner, Robert W. Connecticut 20th Volunteer Regiment
- Kearney, Francis Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Kelley, Michael Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Kelley, Michael Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Kellogg, Horace Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Kellogg, Horace Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Kellogg, Robert H. Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Kennedy, Charles Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Kennedy, Thomas H. Connecticut 1st Volunteer Regiment
- Kergresser, John L. Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Kerrigan, Michael Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Kilby, Frank L.W.? Connecticut 21st Volunteer Regiment
- Kilby, Franklin E. Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Kilby, Wyllys Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Kneeland, Dwight Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Lamphere, James Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Lanrty, Thomas Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Lewis, George Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Lewis, Henry Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Lightfoot, John Other Regiments
- Lindon, Henry Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Linemeyer, Frederick Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Loftus, Thomas Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Long, William Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Lyon, Amenzo Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Lyon, John M. Connecticut 1st Cavalry Volunteer Regiment
- Madison, James M. Connecticut 29th Volunteer Regiment
- Magill, Wm. A. Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Maloy, James Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Martin, John Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- McAlldon, Patrick Connecticut 9th Volunteer Regiment
- McLaughlin, John Other Regiments
- McNamara, James Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Merchant, Abram Connecticut 29th Volunteer Regiment
- Moor, James Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Morgan, Gaylord Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Morgan, Guy S. Connecticut 3rd Volunteer Regiment
- Morgan, Guy S. Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Morgan, Stephen Jr. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Morris, John M. Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Morton, Charles Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Morton, William W. Connecticut 21st Volunteer Regiment
- Mulroney, Frederick Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Murphy, Joseph Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Oliver, Joshua Connecticut 29th Volunteer Regiment
- Osgood, John L. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Palmer, William H. Connecticut 1st Cavalry Volunteer Regiment
- Phelan, John Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Phelps, John Other Regiments
- Power, William Connecticut 5th Volunteer Regiment
- Price, William Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- Quigley, William E. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Recor, Alfred H. Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Reed, James Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Rhodes, Charles Connecticut 13th Volunteer Regiment
- Rhodes, Charles W. Connecticut 3rd Volunteer Regiment
- Rhodes, Henry Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Richards, Frederick Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Richards, Samuel Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Riley, John Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Rising, Henry Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- Rogers, James Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Root, Caleb Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Root, John E. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Ryan, John Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Ryan, Joseph Connecticut 10th Volunteer Regiment
- Sherman, William Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Simpson, David Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Simpson, David Other Regiments
- Skinner, Sylvester Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Skinner, Sylvester Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Smith, James Connecticut 29th Volunteer Regiment
- Smith, James Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Smith, James A. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Smith, John Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Smith, Joseph Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Smith, Peter Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Snyder, Joel Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Southergill, Francis Connecticut 2nd Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Staub, John Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Steele, Abel Connecticut 12th Volunteer Regiment
- Steele, Austin Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Steele, Edward Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Steele, John W. Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Steele, John W. Connecticut 2nd Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Steele, Oliver L. Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Steele, Samuel Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- Steele, Sylvester W. Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Stoddard, Hudson H. Connecticut 5th Volunteer Regiment
- Tracy, Michael Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Trasher, Allen Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- Travers, William Connecticut 2nd Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Truitt, Isaac B. Connecticut 30th Volunteer Regiment
- Tucker, Dixon Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Tyler, John Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- Vischer, Louis Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Wadsworth, Horace Connecticut 1st Volunteer Regiment
- Wadsworth, Horace Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Wadsworth, Lucius Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Wales, Francis Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Warner, Abner S. Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Webb, Henry W. Connecticut 25th Volunteer Regiment
- Welles, Henry C. Connecticut 1st Cavalry Volunteer Regiment
- Wells, Charles B. Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Wells, Edward Connecticut 7th Volunteer Regiment
- Whaples, Chas. H. Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Whaples, George H. Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- Whaples, Henry N. Connecticut 20th Volunteer Regiment
- Whaples, Joseph Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- White, Henry A. Connecticut 16th Volunteer Regiment
- Wiers William B.? Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Willard, Charles L. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Willard, Eugene B. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Williams, Charles Connecticut 2nd Volunteer Regiment
- Williams, Charles Connecticut 13th Volunteer Regiment
- Williams, Charles W. Connecticut 5th Volunteer Regiment
- Williams, Michael Connecticut 8th Volunteer Regiment
- Wilson, Walter Connecticut 11th Volunteer Regiment
- Wilxon, Alex, H. Connecticut 1st Heavy Artillery Volunteer Regiment
- Witt, Conrad Connecticut 14th Volunteer Regiment
- Woodhouse Edward G. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Woodhouse, Herbert H. Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
- Wright, Anthony Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment
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